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21/04/2024, 18:10 PM

Oooohhh, look at me go! I'm fucking around with buttons now. Let's make this blog page look a lot nicer by hiding stuff!

Unrelated, but I've been listening to a lot of glass beach recently. They're really great, and I love them to death. I can't recommend them enough.

Under Construction

21/04/2024, 1:43 AM

Right, here goes.
It's a quarter to 2 in the morning, and I'm busy procrastinating. I've been struck by the sudden urge to do something neat, so why not try to learn HTML?
The site is very barebones at the moment. Call it learning pains. Here's the ideas of what I wanna do with it going forward.

  1. Make it look nice (Yucky sites are lame)
  2. Start writing things down
  3. Talk about transitioning on the off chance some other trans bloke makes their way here and wants to hear about all that
  4. Start balling, I guess? Just wanna make something I'm proud of.

So, uh, yeah. That's pretty much it for the first one. Here's to hoping I figure out a better way to format this!

Under Construction Pt. II

21/04/2024, 2:36 AM

It's been too long since I've been able to just let loose and learn something new. I like how novel HTML is to me right now. I mean, don't get me wrong, I knew a bit about HTML before jumping into this, but I'm really dabbling now.

Anyways, I've been messing with the website flavor. At first it was a lavender background with white text, but that's not nice to look at for too long. Now I've moved it to white on black, with clicked links becoming that lavender shade. I know it's super easy baby stuff, but I'm on super easy baby level, so I'm happy about it. Changed the font to monospace, too.

So far, we're making good progress towards that first goal. The site's nowhere near where I want it to be, but baby steps!